
Enugu 2023: How And Why Oppositions (LP/ APC) Are Filing Frivolous Suits Against PDP

…Proxies Used By Oppositions To File Suits On The Run

From Chidera Ugwugba (Enugu)

Investigations have revealed that having realised that their candidates, who are mainly rejected politicians and defectors from Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) with no electoral value are not on ground, popular or acceptable to Ndi Enugu ahead of the 2023 elections, the few members of Nsukka Labour Party working for Bar. Chijioke Edeoga and that of All Progressives Congress (APC) working for Uche Nnaji had formed the habit of filing frivolous court cases against the PDP governorship candidate, Bar. Peter Mbah and other PDP candidates in different courts using proxies and hoping that such will distract them from campaigning and winning the elections.

  Since after the parties primaries which majority of these opposition parties candidates lost in PDP before jumping to opposition parties angrily, they have filed not less five frivolous suits against PDP in various courts without pursuing any of them to logical conclusions. 

One of such cases include the one filed by one Chika Idoko of ADC, which the Nsukka labourers and social media e-rats have been peddling and celebrating on social media platforms as if they have won the 2023 general elections.

Another of such useless suits which have made the proxies mostly youths used by Bar. George Ogara of APC to be on the run, having realised that they will be tried for forgery is the one they instituted against Mbah claiming that he entered a plea bargain in a criminal case.

Investigations revealed that they forged documents on the alleged plea bargain they claimed that Bar. Mbah entered. Since they learnt that Bar. Mbah’s lawyers are preparing documents to file suit against them for libeling and slandering him, they have been on the run.

There is another suit they filed against the State PDP Chairman, Augustine Nnamani alleging that he forged documents he deposed in court.  

It has been disclosed that the mode of operations and strategies of these weak oppositions with unpopular candidates in Enugu is to continue to file multiple frivolous suits against Mr. Mbah in courts and continue to peddle and recycle the frivolous filed cases on social media platforms to make them look like serious cases against Bar. Mbah and PDP candidates, when such cases have no merit or evidence to substantiate them.

That is why immediately they file such useless cases, they rush to social media to peddle the stamped copies, abandon the litigation halfway and rush to social media platforms again to allege through false writings and psuedo names that Governor Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi and PDP are bribing judges handling the cases to compromise them.

Is it not surprising that all the various frivolous and useless suits they have filed against Bar. Mbah and PDP candidates since after primaries, they have not secured  victory in any of them or pursue any of them to conclusion, rather they are filing more making mockery of themselves, abusing and ridiculing the court processes.

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