
Enugu Guber Judgment: Between Edeoga And His Plebians

From Justin Nwankwo

Whoever did the African magic, juju or charm which Barr. Chijioke Edeoga used to deceive, hoodwink or hypnotize some gullible people and supporters, especially from Enugu North Senatorial zone before and after the Enugu 2023 governorship elections, which Edeoga lost to Governor Peter Ndubuisi Mbah, must be a powerful herbalist or cultist.
He must be, because the actions and inactions of many of these people which included priests, old politicians, businessmen,the highly exposed and educated that ought to know better since then till today are not normal and ordinary. They are out of their senses and have seriously lost sense of reasoning and responsibility.
It is not out of place as was disclosed before the election that the majority of these people took oath of brotherhood, fraternity, secrecy, and allegiance alongside Barr. Edeoga and his brothers- in-law turned godfathers from Ukehe in Igbo-Etiti LGA, despite being Christians or claimed to be with some of them as Knights.
Of note and good is that the charm or juju couldn’t get the majority of Enugu State people, who voted massively for Governor Mbah in the election. Meanwhile, it is obvious that these gullible people’s support for Barr. Edeoga was never borne out of equity, conviction, altruism or patriotism, but fraternity, diabolism and occultism, which are in clear negation and antithetical to the philosophy and vision of the founding fathers of Enugu State.
It is on the basis of these that Barr. Edeoga, who lost the election to Governor Mbah at the polling units and at the tribunal, is still building castles in the air and living in delusion of gaining victory at the appellate courts. This is when it is clear from the tribunal judgment that his case lacked merit and was baseless.
Well, while it is within Barr. Edeoga’s right to appeal the judgment of the tribunal that dismissed his case for lack of merit, he must not do so by endlessly demeaning, denigrating and disparaging the justices and the judgment on social media, simply because he lost and wants to hold his donors and supporters spellbound for continued financial support amidst forlon hope and elusive victory.
This is desperation and subterfuge taken too far by a man who parades himself as a lawyer, politician, and journalist. If Barr. Edeoga is truly a lawyer and journalist. He should have known the ethics of the profession and abide by it in pursuit of his governorship ambition. But he had never done that. Rather, he has continued to unleash all sort of campaigns of calumny, libels, distorted facts, lies on the judiciary to mislead people, gain undue sympathy and cheap popularity.
This is highly illegal, unprofessional, and typical of Edeoga. But what Edeoga has failed to realise is that this antics has never helped his cause and will never help it at the appellate court, especially considering the fact that appellate courts do not admit fresh evidence which Barr. Edeoga has none and again judgments are not given on the basis of hearsay or public opinion, but on facts and evidence before the court.
So Edeoga’s social media wile of conjuring and peddling lies and falsehood can only help him to continue to hold ransom and exploit his hypotenised and gullible supporters financially, by making them to erroneously and ignorantly feel or believe that he will secure victory at the appellate court.
It is evident that Barr. Edeoga who embarked on this wild goose governorship project unprepared and with a Ponzi scheme mentality, after accepting to work for and with Peter Mbah, after the PDP governorship primary, has continued to cash on his gullible supporters that are now in a quagmire, dilemma and financial bankruptcy, without knowing how to extricate themselves from the oath and juju bugs they entered with Edeoga. Many victims of Edeoga’s Ponzi Scheme called governorship project are dire need of financial assistance now to revive their ailing businesses, which crashed because of their failed financial investments in Edeoga.
While many had developed high blood pressure and other ailments after the tribunal judgment that upheld Governor Mbah’s victory, some have been on Edeoga’s neck for refund of the monies they donated and borrowed him, others are helpless and downcasted because Edeoga has continued to threaten them with force and at the same time mesmerize them with lies and false hope.
Just as everything that has a beginning has an end, Barr. Edeoga’s intrigues, shenanigans, and subterfuge will soon end. It is a question of weeks as the constitutional deadline for dispensation of election cases draw near. I am not preempting the judgments of the appellate courts in the matter, but I am of the strong conviction and belief that Barr. Edeoga will meet his final waterloo soon at the apex court, and that will mark the end of his Ponzi Scheme called governorship project that is not of God and the good people of Enugu State that randomly rejected him at the poll.

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