
Re: the Forgotten Deputy Governor of Enugu State, Ifeanyi Ossai as Written by Ikem Okuhu

By Eze Nwamadi, Ogbonna Asadu and Ezema Igwenunu

The camp of Chijioke Edeoga in his ill-fated ambition to become governor has so degenerated to the extent their mental health needs to be properly examined. Ikem Okuhu’s case is worse. He needs urgent mental examination as he shamelessly contrives fake news and make-believe fictions, happening in his warped imagination. And all this is done in the name of doing the vile bidding of Chijioke Edeoga for whom he plays Man Friday. How can adults behave like children? Could this have been the way Edeoga would have ruled Enugu State? By taking to irresponsible frivolities, gossipping, and circulating fake news? Trying to sow seeds of discord and imagined strife? Gbaa! Governor gab’te imi utaba.

The psychiatric father-beater called Ikem Okuhu carries his cadervorous carrion of self to the tranquil realm of the Deputy Governor of Enugu State, the highly cerebral strategic thinker, His Excellency, Barr. Ifeanyi Ossai, who enjoys a robust working relationship with His Excellency, Governor Peter Ndubuisi Mbah. Mbah and Ossai are two of a kind with the indomitable spirit of disruptive innovation and transformational leadership abilities. Mbah/Ossai ticket arguably is the best thing that happened to Enugu politics, a situation where the people passionately voted two young lawyers who had distinguished themselves in the private sector where they each played.

The accursed rabidity called Ikem Okuhu had in his insipid piece written that Barr. Ossai was being sidelined in the Mbah Administration. How, when and where? This is a government that is barely two months and the agent provocateur in the conundrum called Edeoga’s camp has already begun to imagine vain things.. Okuhu in his incoherent piece of mischief claimed he ‘googled’ Ossai and saw nothing of any consequence, befitting a deputy governor. All there is to greatness is Google. Once Google would not in his delusional search yield to Ikem Okuhu his vile imagination, then it is enough to conclude the person he had search was forgotten or sidelined. When we say that Ikem Okuhu is mentally challenged, we mean every bit of it. Ifeanyi Ossai ceases to be the Deputy Governor of Enugu State because Ikem ‘googled’ “Deputy Governor of Enugu State” and the name of Barr. Cecilia Ezeilo popped up. For that, it is reasonable enough to conclude that Ifeanyi Ossai is not the Deputy Governor of Enugu State. See sense! What a shame!

We shall leave Ikem and his non-sequitur claims as to the person of Barr. Ifeanyi Ossai. All we can tell Ikem is to ‘google’ again after he had returned from the psychiatric hospital. If the fog in his brain is cleared, he may be in the hope of capturing the greatness which Barr. Ossai embodies. For sane minds who might have read the bunkum Okuhu hobbled in his feat of mental ill-heath, it will be in order that we deconstruct the false claims, and show to what extent Barr. Ossai is actively part and parcel of the Mbah Administration.

Do Okuhu and Edeoga realize Barr. Ossai is the leader of Enugu North Senatorial Zone? Do they realize the leadership roles he plays in the zone? Commissioners took oath of office yesterday, 10th August, 2023. Do they realize Ossai’s input in the emergence of the six commissioners from the zone. If Edeoga were wise enough, he like the hen, would not quickly have forgotten who plucked off its feathers in the rainy season. Edeoga would have known that the commissioners were member of Odinma Nsukka, his albatross, of which Barr. Ossai was the national coordinator. Odinma Nsukka worked strategically hard for the actualization of the Mbah/Ossai ticket, something that gave Edeoga a run for his money. Who nominated the commissioners? Your guess is as good as ours. Yet the loafer called Okuhu would claim Ossai had been forgotten.

Barr. Ossai is not a dance done with snuff in palm. He is a deep thinker who matches his thoughts with tangible actions, and gets the result he wants. He has both the intellectual and economic capacity, as a successful lawyer he is, to bring to bear his targets. He undid Edeoga and politically sipped him from the nerve to the chap. And this is someone Edeoga and his little-minded urchin would claim their brand of Google had no report of him. Ossai is a terror to the demon in Edeoga and his desperate overambition. He had long filed Edeoga in his scabbards, yet the little ignorant fly called Okuhu would go flippant with his jaded tongue of iniquity.

During Chimaroke Nnamani”s Administration, the only council which the deputy governor suprintended was Boundary Commission. The only duty the deputy had was acting instead of the governor . Nothing more; nothing less. Under Sullivan Chime’s Administration, the same status quo was maintained. Ugwuanyi increased it and gave his deputy more responsibilities, as they harmoniously worked together. At present there are 11 committees and councils under the Deputy Governor’s Office.:

  1. Enugu State Committee on Boundary Matter
  2. Enugu State Privatisation and Commercialization
  3. Enugu State Diagnostic Centre
  4. Enugu State Primary Healthcare Programme
  5. Management of Palliatives Programme on Covid-19
  6. Enugu State Human Capital Development
  7. APPEALS (Agro-Processing, Productivity Enhancement and Livestock Improvement Support Project)
  8. SEMA (State Emergency Management Agency)
  9. Enugu State Investment Development Authority
  10. Asset Disposal Committee
  11. Voluntary Asset and Income Declaration Scheme (VAIDS)

The above are besides the Committee on Palliatives on the Impacts of Fuel Subsidy Removal which the deputy governor heads. Barr. Ossai has variously been representing Governor Mbah on many occasions , and has been an active participant in the decisions the administration takes. Ossai is not the noise-making type. He is a go-getter with a knack for results. It is, therefore, curious of Edeoga for whom Okuhu babbles to have come up with the vicious and mischievious narrative of Ossai being forgotten by an administration of which he is an active part. This is the kind of a thing to which Edeoga has resorted, seeing he has no chance anywhere to be governor. Edeoga hopes to use divide and rule to create division between Governor Mbah and Deputy Governor Ifeanyi Ossai. Okuhu weaved a deceptively wicked and mischieviously false narrative of sympathy around Ossai in order to beguile the public, and, perhaps, childishly make Ossai think he was being marginalized. But Ossai is sound in thought and character, and won’t pander to the infantile grovelling of souless mischief-makers, Edeoga and his accursed acolyte, Okuhu.

Edeoga and Okuhu are so irresponsible they even discuss the dressing of Governor Mbah and his aides. His Excellency has good dress sense akin to looking good for good business in three-piece blue suit with sparkling white shirt and matching red tie. What then is wrong in his aides looking good in the same dress style? Should Ikem have expected Governor Mbah to dress like Edeoga who wears oversized kaftan that often hangs on him as would on a dummy in a fashion house? Would Ikem expect the sharp-looking young and handsome governor to look like his big-for-nothing and empty master with his acromegaly morbidity of a frame? God forbid!

The long and short of it all is that no one should believe Edeoga and Okuhu. They are gossiping purveyors of false narratives. His Excellency, Barr. Ifeanyi Ossai, is very active in the Mbah Administration. His roles as Deputy Governor are clear, and he is busy with them in a most appropriate way, while he and Governor Mbah enjoy a cordial relationship. Edeoga and his minions should look elsewhere and introspectively interrogate their mindless desperation from where the rains had begun to beat them.

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