
Ayodele’s Prophecy As Another Of Edeoga’s Prank

From John Ogwu

In what looks like the last desperate attempt to see if they can delegitimise the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) governorship candidate, Dr. Peter Ndubuisi Mbah’s governorship victory against him and others in the just concluded Enugu governorship election, Barr. Chijioke Edeoga of the Labour Party and his social media urchins, fastidious godfathers, despondent supporters, disillusioned spiritualists, herbalists, voodooists, and prophets of doom have in recent times taken to another habit of fabricating and peddling fake victory prophecies and statements and attributing them to men of God.

As the dust of the fake statement Edeoga and his social media e-rats concocted and published under the guise of the non-existing and anonymous Network of Evangelical Bishops of Southeast Region is yet to settle, Edeoga and his Lagos-based social media ally from Nsukka, who is very close to Primate Elijah Ayodele, have concocted another falsehood, which is that the winners of the governorship elections in Kaduna, Enugu and Ogun states will lose their seats at the tribunals. To make it look real, Edeoga ensured it was published in some of the major Lagos- based national dailies and social media platforms.

In the induced, compromised, and false statement coded as prophecy, Ayodele was specifically quoted as saying that Mbah stole the election victory from Edeoga. Hence, he will lose it at the tribunal.

Well, I don’t know when religious prophecies became electoral laws or the constitution of the country or part of it. I can’t also remember when Prophet Elijah Ayodele became a judge or lawyer to pontificate or adjudicate on election matters pending before tribunals.

Just like the previous false political prophecies of the notorious Lagos Prophet Ayodele that never came to fruition, the one about Edeoga will not be different. It would also be recalled that the same Ayodele had before the 2023 presidential elections prophesied that Alhaji Atiku Abubakar would emerge victorious. That never happened as Atiku lost to Bola Tinubu of All Progressives Congress (APC).

It is not surprising that Primate Elijah Ayodele is misyarning again about the Enugu, Kaduna, and Ogun governorship elections as declared by INEC. Anyone living in Lagos who has followed Ayodele’s religious activities knows that he is garrulous, meddlesome, and synonymous with fake political and election prophecies. Anyone in doubt should please search for Femi Adesina’s widely published article of July 2021 titled “8 times Primate Ayodele lied using God’s name”.

It is quite disappointing that Edeoga, who is a knight of Anglican Communion and a journalist, arranged for such a cheap and compromised prophecy with a lousy prophet just for cheap political gain. Very soon, Edeoga and his supporters will arrange for Guru Maharaji, Prof. Mbamaonyeukwu and other herbalists to prophesy for victory at the tribunal. There is nothing desperation and bitterness can not do to someone.

Lest we forget that it is this same desperate act of Edeoga before the election that made Rev. Fr. Ejike Mbaka to describe him as a desperado for sharing a picture of his visit to Mbaka with false claims that he had been endorsed by Mbaka.

The way Edeoga and his social media cohorts are running amok on political space and social media with falsehoods and propaganda since Edeoga lost the governorship election, it is obvious that they may not live to see them losing again in court.

But one fact is that such desperation will not stop them from losing in court, because judgement will be based on incontrovertible evidences, facts and law, not emotions, sentiments, propaganda or false prophecies arranged, fabricated and peddled by Edeoga, and served à la carte to gain undue sympathy from some gullible and undiscerning public.

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