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By Engr Abel Olinya

Chairman Moa of the Great China described politics as a warfare without bloodshed.

It is no longer news that the Labour Party in Enugu State for the past few months have been racing on like the Titanic headed to the iceberg. The origin of the epic drama was the black market party primary that produced Barr Jonathan CHIJIOKE EDEOGA as governorship candidate.

As a party reputed for impunity, it refused to conduct a fresh primary within 14 days as directed by the Federal High Court Abuja on the 9th of November, 2022.

In a country where law and order are respected, an association like the Enugu State chapter of Labour party deserved no followers or recognition. You cannot cut corners and still expect the votes of responsible electorate. Certainly not in Enugu State.

The integrity of any democratic process is like virginity, once lost due to compromise of values, it can never be regained, and the regret of such indiscetion may last for a life time. A party that cannot conduct a transparent primary is unworthy of leading a free people in a free society.

The Igbo nation is clamouring for a president of Eastern region extraction but the shameful conduct of Enugu State Labour Party is undermining the chances of Peter Obi in the State.

Labour Party chairman in the State allotted nominations and tickets to candidate of his choice from the comfort of his bedroom. Under his watch, the State chapter is independent. The chapter chooses which instructions to obey and which to ignore from the national body. The party has been Edeoganized with willful complicity of the State Chairman who happens to be a course-mate of CHIJIOKE EDEOGA.

Now the chickens have come home to roost. The billboards of Chief Evarest Nnaji, Odengene have resurfaced across the state. For its deviance to the established process, Labour party in Enugu now have two governorship candidates. This dubious interloper is strange to democratic culture, but the story is just beginning.

The whole episode is about treachery, blackmail, wicked intrigue and back-stabbing. A source in the Odengene camp alleged that Edeoga collected 10million naira from his principal but later reneged on his promise to step down. We’re going to fight to finish and ensure that the charade does not stand, he added. How will one collect money and yet refuse to honour agreement?

Why did Edeoga allow himself to be decieved by retired politicians from Enugu North? The likes of Fidel Ayogu, Oyibo Chukwu and Okey Ezea are like women being groomed for child bearing in their menopause. What advise will they give in this 21st century that will be useful?

In a recent radio programme, Okey Ezea demonstrated that when an aircraft is parked for too long, the functionality of the brain box become unreliable. Okey Ezea and his cohorts are the ones misleading CHIJIOKE EDEOGA. He is in the know that the game is over.

To make the matters worse, Odengene is one politician that does not shy away from battle. You cannot dismiss him with a wave of the hand particularly when injured.
The Labour Party, Enugu State chapter is on a journey of no return. It has lost majority of her members to the ruling party in the State.

In politics, the battle that counts is the last , and unfortunately, Odengene is not a dance done with snuff in the hand. He will make sure that CHIJIOKE EDEOGA is retired from active politics.

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